About Sedgefield

In the late 40″s Justus Nienaber purchased a 200 acre tract from Peter Freylinghuysen Jr. This was formerly the Ballantine Estate and included a beautiful two-story white colonial mansion, complete with gazebo, creek, pond and other outbuildings.
In 1949, he started to develop Sedgefield with a group of builders. The name was taken from a charming and peaceful Carolina resort hotel, The Sedgefield Inn, which is surrounded by a development of gracious homes.
The name Sedgefield itself is derived from two Anglo-Saxon words: secg (a sword), its popular meaning – any course, grasslike herb, growing in damp places; and feld – a cleared piece of land.
Carrying on with the Anglo-Saxon Association, all the streets bear the names of English towns, villages or locations. The three entry streets are Sherwood, Sedgefield and Dartford. All streets between Sedgefield and Dartford are in alphabetical order. All streets between Robinhood and Friar are of English origin but are not in alphabetical order.
Development in Sedgefield can be determined by the type of roads in the area. The first section contained ranch or single story homes built on streets with no curbs. The second section contained ranch, split-level and two-story colonials built on streets with concrete curbs. The third and final section contained two-story colonials or split-level homes built on streets with Belgian block curbing and sidewalks.
Long time residents can remember when Littleton Road (US 202) was a two-lane tree-line road with very little traffic. It passed Rusty’s Hardware Store, the old St. Christopher’s Church (which was housed in the Blue Swan Inn) and a goat farm that used to be in the area of the Littleton Road bridge over Route 80. Alderney Dairy had a barn and pasture where Gatehall is now located. Cows and deer used to wander into Sedgefield along Robinhood Road. A few deer still visit us on occasion.
Back then, the Morris Plains Shopping Center had a Two Guys from Harrison store. Sip and Sup was located at the intersection of Route 202 and Route 10 where one could enjoy food and dairy products in a leisurely manner and watch the few cars going through the intersection. The area now covered with commercial buildings (Campus Drive, Sylvan Way and Dryden Way) contained dairy farms and was used by the Civic Association for picnics and fireworks.
In the 1970s, Sherwood Village (the section around Sherwood, Friar, Robinhood and Littlejohn Roads) was included as part of Sedgefield. Crawford Road was the last area to be developed.
The last home in Sedgefield was erected in 1988, a two-story colonial manufactured in Pennsylvania. This was the 295th home in Sedgefield.

It is our privilege to welcome you to Sedgefield. Please let us take a moment to introduce you to our community via our website. If you are new to Sedgefield, allow us and our neighbors to help make you feel right at home. Please feel free to call or contact any one of us if you have any questions or concerns. Let us also assure you that you will not find a more caring community in Parsippany than you will find in Sedgefield. People really show concerns and watch out for each other here. Sedgefield residents treat their neighbors with the utmost respect. There are many younger families living in Sedgefield raising children, “Sedgebots” as we call them, in a safe and happy atmosphere. Just turn down any street and listen to the sounds of laughter. There are also many families with grown children and some empty nesters. They find Sedgefield to be a peaceful oasis where they can relax but still maintain very active and social lives. Many lifelong and meaningful friendships have developed here in Sedgefield over the years.
Whatever your age, ethnic background, religion or financial circumstances we want you to think of Sedgefield as your home. So many residents who have come before you have kept a special place in their hearts for the memories that were all part of living in Sedgefield. We hope that you too will take an active role in our Sedgefield community. Welcome neighbor! Sedgefield Civic Association
Board Members

Drew Naumann, President

Corey Abate, 1st Vice President

Danilo Joa, 2nd Vice President

Kristen DeMarco, Secretary

Trent Hofstra, Treasurer

Joana Nazimek, Trustee

Al Singleton, Trustee

Jyoti Bhatia, Trustee
1959 – 1960 Bob Homa
1960 – 1961 Hugo Ludwig
1961 – 1962 Walt Johnson
1962 – 1963 Tom Day
1963 – 1964 Bud Gaddis
1964 – 1965 Art Kemp
1965 – 1966 Hugh Stukeley
1966 – 1967 Will Meinhold
1967 – 1968 Harry Reagan
1968 – 1969 John Keane
1969 – 1970 Ben Antonchak
1970 – 1971 Tracy Hatfield
1971 – 1972 Bill Glasser
1972 – 1973 Bill Glasser
1973 – 1974 Paul Young
1974 – 1975 John Kubik
1975 – 1976 Chris Vanderhof
1976 – 1977 Bob Grandjean
1977 – 1978 Bob Grandjean
1978 – 1979 Dave Willans
1979 – 1980 George Kimmey
1980 – 1981 George Kimmey
1981 – 1982 Rich Liebenow
1982 – 1983 Van Worman
1983 – 1984 Lou Mastrianni
1984 – 1985 Bob Grom
1985 – 1986 Bob Grom
1986 – 1987 Young/Kimmey
1987 – 1988 George Kimmey
1988 – 1989 Bob Roberti
1989 – 1990 Bob Roberti
1990 – 1991 Gini Holihan
1991 – 1992 Gini Holihan
1992 – 1993 John Kubik
1993 – 1994 Bob Roberti
1994 – 1995 Maria Caivano
1995 – 1996 Maria Caivano
1996 – 1997 John Holihan
1997 – 1998 John Holihan
1998 – 1999 George Kimmey
1999 – 2000 George Kimmey
2000 – 2001 George McEvoy
2001 – 2002 Bob Roberti
2002 – 2003 Mike Monroe
2003 – 2004 Marylou LaMarca
2005 – 2011 Bob Roberti
2011 – 2018 Carlos Guzman
2018 – 2020 Jyoti Bhatia
2021 – 2023 Carlos Guzman
2023 – 2024 Al Singleton
2024 – Present Drew Naumann